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Birthday Weekend in Review

I had absolutely the BEST birthday ever.... I mean - E.V.E.R. -

Friday night, I get home and there is a package from on the dining room table, for mwah, from my fam. Score. Buuuttt, J promised my mum that he wouldn't let me open it until my actual bday (Saturday). Bummer, but oh okaayy... We were waiting on J's parents to arrive so we could go out to eat at Jess & Jim's Steakhouse when the doorbell rang. And SURPRISE it was my mom and dad! Yay! I didn't even know they were coming!! Shortly after J's parents arrived and I got to open my surprise. And it was a CHOCOLATE HIGH HEEL SHOE FILLED WITH MORE CHOCOLATES!!! Could there possibly be a cooler gift on the face of the planet??!? I think not! So, we all went out to eat and it was yummy and we were all stuffed with beefy steak and giant baked potato goodness. I'm from SEK, steak is a big deal people. We like our beef.

Saturday morning when I woke up, J asked me if I wanted to know what I was doing today for my birthday surprise - Duh - So he went ahead and told me that he was taking me to the spa and treating me to a 5 HOUR Spa Day. F-I-V-E Hoouurrrrssss! It was amazing!!! I was pampered like the princess that I am! :) So, J did good for my birthday just like I knew he would. Then, when I got home, J's parents had bought my a little birthday gift too - the most adorable white sundress with silver/grey embroidery at the bottom. Absolutely loved it!! His mom also got me a "Fresh Cotton" Yankee Candle, which is one of my all time favorite smells. :) Yay me!

Saturday night, the White Trash Bash and it was just as trashy and classless and I'd hoped it would be. C even created a little dramatic display in my front yard with my in my nightgown trying to get him back in the house - all while my neighbors were watching. And I bet you can't guess, but it was all because of his trashy ass girlfriend making out with her ex back in Marshall (she wasn't invited to my birthday festivities) - his sister was considerate enough to call and tell him about it. It was quite the drunken dramatic display. Nice. There weren't as many people there as I was hoping and all us girls pretty much dressed the same (they had to copy my idea dern them) but we all still had a good time and that's truly all that matters anyway.
Sunday, J's mom had never been to an actual DSW store (poor deprived shoe loving soul) so we took off together to go do a little shopping. And wouldn't you know it, they had my awesome jellypop wedges IN MY SIZE that I've been eyeing online. I HAD to get them, it was so obviously a sign that I should. Duh. SO, I have a new pair of shoes as well. :) J had to take C back home to Marshall so they left while his mom and I went shopping. His parents left after we got back from DSW to head back down to TX, so I got a few moments of P&Q Sunday afternoon.

Yesterday I got an extra, unexpected "birthday surprise" that I will have to tell you all about in more detail in a later post down the road. You'll all just have to hang in suspense until then (well not ALL of you), but I can tell you its a pretty big deal - bigger than Ron Burgandy. Stay Tuned!


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