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My Bucket List

Everyone knows what a bucket list is, but in case you are not "everyone" - a bucket list is a list of things you want to do/experience/see/etc. before you "kick the bucket". Hence, a "bucket" list. I've been far too focused on how much work sucks, and whining and complaining and blah, blah, blah. I'm burnt out on it. So, I'd like to take a few moments and create my very own bucket list. Hopefully I can start focusing a little of my attention on these things and start to accomplish some of the things I want to accomplish in life. Some I may never achieve but they are dreams of mine. Maybe one day I'll look back at my very crossed off list and smile at all the memories I've made (or how silly I was to think they were important).

So, in absolutely NO particular order...

Goldie's Bucket List: 1. Have a baby - I especially want a daughter but a boy or girl would be amazing 2. Go to Europe particularly France and Germany 3. Become fluent in one foreign language. 4. Learn to paint 5. Become professionally trained in photography. 6. Own at least one pair of very expensive, very stylish designer shoes 7. Fill my passport 8. Learn to drive a motorcycle 9. Play an instrument 10. Get back down to my HS weight of 135lbs and stay there. 11. Find my soul mate & have a great marriage and relationship (I truly believe I've completed half this one) 12. Run a marathon 13. Have a successful garden with fruits and veggies 14. Get my credit back up into good standing and have a high credit score. 15. Have a house in the country with a BIG yard and no neighbors 16. Own horses 17. Go to Hawaii 18. Get a complete makeover by a professional 19. Learn patience 20. Travel the US coast to coast. 21. Take my children to Disney World 22. Take a vacation every year with my family 23. Meet my biological paternal grandfather 24. Be the "Fun Aunt". 25. Be a good christian 26. Go sky diving. (Isn't this a cliche bucket list item - haha) 27. Be complete caught up and up-to-date on my scrapbooking AS WELL AS have a scrapbook for each of my children. 28. Finish my sister's wedding scrapbook. 29. Be successful professionally - be able to take care of myself financially, be good at what I do, have an impressive title, etc. 30. Take dance lessons. 31. Get really good at karaoke. 32. Learn to decorate cakes. Fondant and all. 33. Learn to do nails. 34. Meet a celebrity (and not get star struck) 35. Always be satisfied with what I have and never dwell on what I don't. 36. Find a successful way to make a little money on the side (or heck even a full blown career) doing something I love. 37. Become a super motivated person who never procrastinates.

I'm sure I'll add more thing to my list as life goes on... But these are a few things (some kind of random) that I want to put on my "Been There Done That" list.


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