Starting weight: 166.4
Last week's weight: 163.8
Current weight: 162.8
Weight +GAIN / -LOSS this week: -1.0
Total weight lost: -3.6
Another week of weight loss! Whoop! Its not much but after another slow exercising week, I'll GLADLY take it! I'm very close [again] to what I weighed when I got knocked up with my pwecious little man so I'm feeling good about that fo' sho'...
Working out this week has been rough. I haven't really made/had time for a good solid workout so I'm a little disappointed about that, I'll just keep squeezing them in there whenever I can and as much as I can. We have a gym membership over by my usual sitter so once she's off maternity leave, I'll be able to run to the gym at night before or after I pick up the monster.
My diet this week has been unhealthy - not in what I've eaten, just the quantity. I've hardly eaten a thing! My dinner portions have been cut in half, if not more, so I feel that's a positive change but my lunches have been hit or miss and I've been skipping meals and just snacking here and there. Not bad snacks really, just not a balanced diet.
In other health news, I may have discovered the reason behind my crazy, rapid weight gain (and why its happened in the past): I have low thyroid levels! Which also probably explains several other issues I've been having... I'm starting meds today to help me get my levels corrected so hopefully my weight will be a little more predictable and controllable (and my other issues will improve as well). And my cholesterol levels are insanely high (not a new development) so I'm starting back up on my Crestor too. Oh, and some Vitamin D supplements - GUMMY vitamins at that (I'm a little kid at heart what can I say). Let's hope all this new drug use of mine helps me out! Ha!
Happy Dieting Everybody!