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My baby went from this:

To This:

HOW? WHAT? HUH?...What the hell just happened?! Where did the last 8 months go...? Seriously, 8 months?? (Momma's havin' a hard time with this one, can't you tell?)

I'm going to have an early walker on my hands. Braz is becoming a pro at standing up (while holding on to furniture) and he's getting braver and braver with letting go. Soon he'll be standing on his own without holding on! He's started eating solid foods - started him with some puffs and veggie "cheetos". He has had some green beans from my plate and some grapes (minus the skin of course). He's starting to learn how to drink from his tippy cup - I had to take the plug out that keeps it from spilling because he wasn't getting the tip & suck part. He still doesn't hold his own bottle but being a breastfed baby I don't think that's unusual. I'm just going to skip that though and go straight to the cup.

I haven't really noticed him saying any new words/constants lately although he does jabber a lot. He's still pretty partial to "Ma Ma Ma" which I love and sometimes switches it "Mom mom mah". He's back to saying "dadada" and "bababa" more too. I have noticed him mixing them more than he was before and I think he's starting to associate some words too - his name, mama, baba, dada, no-no.

He's absolutely the best baby anyone could ask for. He's so good and always so happy! Everyone comments on what a happy baby he is which makes me feel GREAT! I probably have nothing at all to do with it, but I like to take credit any way. :) He's so much fun & I absolutely adore being his mommy!!!


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