Starting weight: 166.4
Last week's weight: 161.4
Current weight: 162.0
Weight +GAIN / -LOSS this week: +0.6
Total weight lost: -4.4
Yeah, I gained weight. I really have no excuse other than, I think my lack of diet and exercise is catching up to me [thank you Captain Obvious]. I'm going to have to bust my hump to make up for that this week and get back on track...
I'm just not in the mood to focus on this stuff right now but I really think if I could get down to my weight goal, I would be a little happier with myself. Have to make it a priority again... And who knows, maybe I could really use this as a positive distraction. Bleh, finding motivation is so hard for me. You'd think looking at the scale every other day would be enough...
I hope everyone else is doing better than I am!