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Craigslist + Crazy People = Much Hilarity

At work, we having a running "game" as to who can find the craziest FREE stuff on craigslist. If you've never checked out the free section, I strongly encourage you to do so. And after you do once, you won't be able to stop yourself from doing it every day.

The best one that we've found before today [and there have been MANY], has definitely been the lady giving away the dry cheese packets out of the box macaroni n cheese. You see, her mother uses the macaroni out of the boxes to make her macaroni salad and they have a bunch of cheese packets left over from all this macaroni salad her mother makes for church, pot lucks, and whatnot, so she figured someone should be able to get use of the leftover cheese - I mean, some people like extra cheese in the mac n cheese, right?! Totally logical. And then it seems some people just have too much time on their hands to post random crap for free on craigslist.

Well today, a girl at work found this little gem:

"Always & Stayfree maxi-pads and panty liners NEW in packages:
I have one unopened package of 36 ct. Always ultra thin regular with flexi wings,
One package of 12 ct Always clean (have attached wipes with each pad) overnight ultra thin with wings.
Two packages for 34ct Always dri-liners for sizes 14+ (really they are the size of a maxi-pad as apposed to a regular panti-liner, but very thin.
I also have two packages of Stayfree dry max Clean (pad + wipe) 12ct.
I have reached that point in my life where I no longer need these products buy don't really want to return them to the store.
So you would be getting 5 packages totaling 128 pads for $10.
I meet at the Starbucks near 127th and Antioch, OP, KS 66213
If you see it here, I have it. I ALWAYS promptly delete sold items."

It just gets better as you read on, but there's a few of my favorite details I want to point out:
1. I love the detail description of every item, because if I was desperate enough to buy pads from someone I would definitely care what types they were.
2. "I've reached that point in my life where I no longer need these products..." Hmmm...awkward. She obviously means menopause, but you could change it to any hilarious situation you like. I like to imagine she [he] had a sex change operation and no longer has a period. You go boy! Which completely explains whey HE wouldn't want to return them to the store - guys don't do that sort of thing you know...
3. Would you even be ABLE to return this sort of thing to the store - who DOES that??! And what store would accept them back, oh yeah, WalMart.
4. Listing what a deal this is "You get 5 packages of 128 for the low, low bargain price of $10" - this is a BRILLIANT marketing scheme, I totally want to buy these just because WHAT A DEAL!
5. I think its even better that she's charging $10 for these rather than giving them away for free.
6. Meeting at Starbucks...can't you just picture this deal going down in a Starbucks??

I. Love. Craigslist.


Bobbi Sharp said…
My favorite I've found was this lady giving away free RAW hamburger a couple of days before it was going to nut bags out there. LOL

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