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The Big Move

Well, we are officially Texans. We left Saturday morning after breakfast with Mom and Dad, around 9 and we finally made it into CS a little before midnight. It was a long, slow drive but uneventful and we made it safely with minimal fussing from the little guys.
The trailer we probably rented was too small so we had to do a uhaul van. Jason drove the uhaul and Brazos and Jake rode with him.
The big boys had fun but slept most of the way. I think Jason got the better end of the deal with the passengers.

I had the traverse with Beckett and Hudson. I was worried about having the two little guys but they did pretty well considering.
Beckett entertaining himself with his bink. 

The last couple hours of the drive were brutal, I was fighting sleep really bad and didn't think I was going to make it! But we did. I'm trying to work today and get adjusted to the remote working thing. Keep praying my boss will keep me remote for a while so I can keep Hudson at home with me. At least until Jason starts working.
Yesterday I was a little teary-eyed and emotional about the move. Missing my family already! I know this is a good thing but I've never been so far from my family before. Ready to see them again already!


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