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27 weeks

Wow. This pregnancy is FLYING by. I'm officially in my third trimester and I can barely believe it. Little baby tres will be here in a little over 12 weeks. Gulp. That makes me panic just a little. Although I am starting to finally get excited about meeting our newest member of the Allen boys wrestling team, I'm scared to death on how I will deal with 3 small boys and a husband in Graduate school. We got Brazos singed up for Daycare/PreK a couple days a week and he will start full time at the end of May. This is a HUGE releif. I was worried that our poor nanny may up and quit if she had to take care of all three boys after I go back. And with her here to help, I'm feeling better about handling maternity leave at least. Now if Beckett can continue with his sleeping through the night, and not having to rock before bed, my anxiety will be that much less. Baby tres just needs to be an easy baby and I think I'll be able to handle this crazy bunch for a few months at least. 
Other than the worry about adding the new member to the chaos, I'm feeling ok. Starting to get fatigue again and hitting that uncomfortable stage. Fighting a little bought of depression at the moment as well but hopefully I'll push through that soon. Those are pretty typical things and I can't complain overall. Feel pretty good for the most part.
My soon to be sister in law Brandy has asked to throw me a baby shower which I was pretty flattered and honored so of course I said yes. We are having that mid April. I think some of my coworkers are planning something for me at work as well...which either way, I'm fine if they do or don't. This is my 3rd baby after all. I'm putting a mental list together of all the things I need to do before he gets here and really need to start putting that list in to action. Baby clothes washed, set up a space somewhere in this tiny apartment for a bassinet, pack hospital bag, etc. it's just coming way too fast! Gonna be a crazy summer and trying to mentally prepare as well.
25 weeks

27 weeks (notice the squishy ankles hence why I'm trying to go to the gym)
Pregnant yogi stretching


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