14. Describe 5 weaknesses and strengths you have. Weaknesses (I can only list 5??!?): 1. Time Management - I am the queen of wasting time and dilly-dallying. 2. Housekeeping - I'm not good at it. Its caused marital problems in both my marriages. I wish I was better at it because Weakness #1 3. Birthdays/Holidays for my kids - I have really sucked up every birthday and holiday of my kids lives so far (except Braz's 1st). I am determined to fix this one...SOON. 4. I don't feel I deserve good things in life - I put everyone else needs/wants above my own and I don't go after the things I truly want in life. 5. I'm terrible at keeping in touch with my friends and family...just so you know, I think about all of you every day many, many times a day. Strengths (I have to list 5??!?): 1. Artsy - ie can draw, paint, scrapbook, do crafty things pretty well. 2. Forgiveness 3. Outgoing - I get along well with anyone and everyone (even if they aren't my cup of ...
Journal of a Boy Mom