11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
1. Leaving the price tag/UPC sticker on something you've just purchased. In my world, it can't stay on there. It MUST come off. And don't even get me started if the sticker is only half torn off. Seriously, because of this, I feel Goo Gone is one of the world's greatest inventions.
2. Scrapping your silverware against your teeth when you eat [ahem...Heather]. My teeth are cringing just thinking about it. How can you stand it??! I swear my sister used to do this on purpose when we were younger just to annoy me.
3. Lying. I'm not saying I'm perfect and I've never fibbed but I hate, hate, hate not being able to trust someone at their word or someone keeping things from me. It makes me feel stupid for trusting them and not knowing the truth. I don't like feeling naive because I gave you the benefit of the doubt.
4. Snobby people - get over yourself. No one likes you or wants to be around you. You aren't any better than anyone else. Jesus is the only one who had/has the right to act superior and snobby and he didn't...so take a lesson.
5. Judgmental, Hardcore-Political Liberals...I don't agree with you. Sorry, but that does not make me a bad person or wrong. I have every right to my opinion, even if it isn't "correct" or "popular". Lay off. [I guess that goes for anyone who strongly opinionated]
6. Politics in general. (See #3)
7. Ordering a double bacon cheeseburger with chili cheese fries...and a diet coke. Seriously.
8. Fat people in the motorized carts at WalMart with their 4 grubby kids hanging off the back and a cart full of junk food, Food Stamps in hand. So many things bother me about this scenario that I don't even know where to start. [And this has nothing to do with me acting like #4]
9. Poor Grammar. Even the most intelligent person sounds like a complete idiot if they do not know how to speak correctly. You just sound stupid. Your = possessive. You're=You are. "I seen it" is not correct grammar. Either you HAVE seen it or you SAW it. Get it right.
N that gos 4 tha dum-dums hoo typeeee like dis. Ur dum. No one can understand what the hell you're saying.
10. Intolerant, Self-righteous Christians. You are doing it wrong and giving the rest of us a bad name. LOVE EVERYONE AS JESUS LOVED US. Its the most important lesson He wanted us to know other than He is the one and only way into Heaven, and he constantly taught us this through his example. Everyone sins, don't hate someone because their sin is different than yours...LOVE them instead - show them what being a Christian really means. You'll help lead them to Heaven a lot faster that way!
1. Leaving the price tag/UPC sticker on something you've just purchased. In my world, it can't stay on there. It MUST come off. And don't even get me started if the sticker is only half torn off. Seriously, because of this, I feel Goo Gone is one of the world's greatest inventions.
2. Scrapping your silverware against your teeth when you eat [ahem...Heather]. My teeth are cringing just thinking about it. How can you stand it??! I swear my sister used to do this on purpose when we were younger just to annoy me.
3. Lying. I'm not saying I'm perfect and I've never fibbed but I hate, hate, hate not being able to trust someone at their word or someone keeping things from me. It makes me feel stupid for trusting them and not knowing the truth. I don't like feeling naive because I gave you the benefit of the doubt.
4. Snobby people - get over yourself. No one likes you or wants to be around you. You aren't any better than anyone else. Jesus is the only one who had/has the right to act superior and snobby and he didn't...so take a lesson.
5. Judgmental, Hardcore-Political Liberals...I don't agree with you. Sorry, but that does not make me a bad person or wrong. I have every right to my opinion, even if it isn't "correct" or "popular". Lay off. [I guess that goes for anyone who strongly opinionated]
6. Politics in general. (See #3)
7. Ordering a double bacon cheeseburger with chili cheese fries...and a diet coke. Seriously.
8. Fat people in the motorized carts at WalMart with their 4 grubby kids hanging off the back and a cart full of junk food, Food Stamps in hand. So many things bother me about this scenario that I don't even know where to start. [And this has nothing to do with me acting like #4]
9. Poor Grammar. Even the most intelligent person sounds like a complete idiot if they do not know how to speak correctly. You just sound stupid. Your = possessive. You're=You are. "I seen it" is not correct grammar. Either you HAVE seen it or you SAW it. Get it right.
N that gos 4 tha dum-dums hoo typeeee like dis. Ur dum. No one can understand what the hell you're saying.
10. Intolerant, Self-righteous Christians. You are doing it wrong and giving the rest of us a bad name. LOVE EVERYONE AS JESUS LOVED US. Its the most important lesson He wanted us to know other than He is the one and only way into Heaven, and he constantly taught us this through his example. Everyone sins, don't hate someone because their sin is different than yours...LOVE them instead - show them what being a Christian really means. You'll help lead them to Heaven a lot faster that way!