7. What is your dream job, and why?
This is a great question! I'm not sure of my exact "dream job" but I'll list a couple of things that I think I would love doing every day [rather than my current job which I am not in love with in the slightest]:
1. Hairdresser/Nail Tech: I would *love* to go back to school and learn cosmetology - especially if I could do it and not really have to worry about being the bread winner of the family. I am actually hoping to do this whenever Jason is out of school and making some money. I would love to make people look cute for a living and be artsy-fartsy with nail designs.
2. Own a ceramics shop - how cool would it be too paint ceramics all day and see other people's creations too. I would absolutely love this but, again, only if I didn't have to be the bread winner of the family/worry about money.
3. Be a Foreign Language teacher - this is what I had originally wanted to do when I started college but someone who shall remain nameless insisted I do something that I would make more money at...needless to say I don't make that much more (if any) and I'm BORED with what I do. Not that I couldn't make a great deal if I could find the right company to work for, but I digress...
4. SAHM - this is a tough one because some days I think I would love this and some days, not so much. I would have to have designated "adult time" if I were a SAHM and I would still want my kids to be in preschool/daycare for the social aspect of it (and because I am NOT a great parent/teacher). I'd love to play with my kids all day, and be able to be involved with all their activities and hobbies as they got older, without worrying about missing too much work.
This is a great question! I'm not sure of my exact "dream job" but I'll list a couple of things that I think I would love doing every day [rather than my current job which I am not in love with in the slightest]:
1. Hairdresser/Nail Tech: I would *love* to go back to school and learn cosmetology - especially if I could do it and not really have to worry about being the bread winner of the family. I am actually hoping to do this whenever Jason is out of school and making some money. I would love to make people look cute for a living and be artsy-fartsy with nail designs.
2. Own a ceramics shop - how cool would it be too paint ceramics all day and see other people's creations too. I would absolutely love this but, again, only if I didn't have to be the bread winner of the family/worry about money.
3. Be a Foreign Language teacher - this is what I had originally wanted to do when I started college but someone who shall remain nameless insisted I do something that I would make more money at...needless to say I don't make that much more (if any) and I'm BORED with what I do. Not that I couldn't make a great deal if I could find the right company to work for, but I digress...
4. SAHM - this is a tough one because some days I think I would love this and some days, not so much. I would have to have designated "adult time" if I were a SAHM and I would still want my kids to be in preschool/daycare for the social aspect of it (and because I am NOT a great parent/teacher). I'd love to play with my kids all day, and be able to be involved with all their activities and hobbies as they got older, without worrying about missing too much work.