Here I am at 29 weeks exactly. I'm at +24 lbs which is a little higher than I would like, but after a week of crappy eating on vacation, I won't complain too much. My blood pressure is good and just got word that I passed my glucose test. Yay! My emotions get the better of me a lot this pregnancy, but I don't know if its all pregnancy related or if some of it is just me trying to work through a lot of emotional issues - either way, trying to hold it together some days has been rough. I just wish I was able to enjoy being pregnant...but alas, its just not meant to be. Trying to enjoy it as much as possible, all the little kicks and wiggles and special time with Beckett. Also, trying very hard to stay focused on eating healthy and walking as much as I can, although, I can't walk far anymore without the belly cramping. Still trying to keep from gaining that 50 lbs like I did last time ;) Beckett is extremely active, and according to the baby center emails I get, he...
I liked your sister's 365 project...I just know I would never remember to take a picture EVERY SINGLE day and if you miss a day you are screwed...unless you lie!
I must insist you set the date stamp on your camera for proof! :-)
I promise to take a picture every day. I'll try and remember the date stamp just in case you don't believe me ;)