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Dear Santa,

I miss when I was a little kid and I would sit on Santa's lap or write him a letter and magically some or all of the things on my list would show up under the tree! I stopped sitting on Santa's lap (because it just got kind of weird) and I stopped writing letters and - ugh - the presents stopped coming! So, it's obvious I need to write my Wishlist and send it to Santa...duh.

Here it is:

Dear Santa,

I have been a very, a pretty good...well, ok, I've been a mildly good girl this year. I was nice to my brother and sister MOST of the time and my mom and dad ALL of the time. I went to work every day and worked REAL hard! And I was only a LITTLE mean to the boys...but they deserved it! In exchange for all of my goodiness throughout the year, I would like the following:

*New Coach purse (or Ed Hardy or Gucci - I'm not picky)
*Lots of high heels & boots
*A $5,000 gift card to go clothes shopping (will gladly donate my ENTIRE current wardrobe to charity!)
*2010 Camaro (would prefer black but again, not picky)
*A new BIG apartment/Duplex/House rent free
*A 75% increase in my salary
*A pug puppy (because its a necessity to ask for a puppy on a christmas list)
*Nikon camera
*Big flat screen TV
*Sell my old house
*Never to have to pay for GAS again
*Tickets to see WICKED
*Sookie Stackhouse series
*One of everything in Victoria's Secret
*Spa Day - THE WORKS!
*Two months paid vacation from work - starting now


I can list SO many more things, but lets not get greedy! Santa is a busy man!

By the way.... 39 Days Till Christmas!!


Anonymous said…
LOVE THIS....I may have to try it myself! :)
Heather said…
Good luck with that! :D
Dawn Allen said…
I figure it could hurt right?? ;o)

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